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Intro to Devotional:

Welcome to "God's Sovereignty," a transformative four-week devotional journey that explores the profound truth of God's ultimate authority and control over all things. Through Scripture, reflection, and prayer, we will delve into the depths of God's sovereignty, from His predetermined will to His role as the author of our faith, and how understanding His sovereignty impacts our daily lives.

In Week 1, "Understanding God's Sovereignty," we will reflect on Ephesians 1:11 and how God's predetermined will gives us confidence and peace. Week 2, "The Mystery of God's Sovereignty," will challenge us to acknowledge the vastness and mystery of God's ways, leading us to a deeper awe and reverence for Him.

Week 3, "The Sovereignty of God in Creation and Salvation," will focus on how God's creation reflects His sovereignty and how salvation is part of His sovereign plan. Finally, in Week 4, "Living in Response to God's Sovereignty," we will discuss practical ways to surrender control to God, seek His will in prayer, obey His Word, trust in His timing, and reflect His sovereignty in our daily lives.

Join us on this journey of discovery and growth as we deepen our understanding of God's sovereignty and learn to live in alignment with His will. May this devotional lead you to a deeper relationship with God and a greater appreciation for His sovereign control over all things. The devotional will go live every Monday at 8:30 am starting 4/15/14.